100 poetic cards written by 100 poets

New Year's card game : 百人一首 81-90


ほととぎす 鳴きつる方を ながむれば

ただ有明の 月ぞ残れる

The little cockoo cried. 

I looked at the direction where the voice has been heard, and looked for the figure. 

However, the figure did not exist and only the moon of dawn remained in the sky calmly. 


composed by Go tokudaiji no Sadaijin


思ひわび さても命は あるものを

憂きに堪へぬは 涙なりけり

Even if it continues worrying in the love not fruiting, I am continuing living. 

Although I am continuing bearing the hardness, my tear is continuing falling. 


composed by Doin Houshi


世の中よ 道こそなけれ 思ひ入る

山の奥にも 鹿ぞ鳴くなる

There is no method of escaping hardness at this world. 

While I thought so, I came into this lonely mountain in which people do not live, but the deer is crying plaintively also there. 


composed by Koutaigou gu no daibu Toshinari


長らへば またこのごろや しのばれむ

憂しと見し世ぞ 今は恋しき

In the future, should I live long to regard the present hardness as nostalgic recollections?

Because I can regard "the time when I regarded this world as hard once" as nostalgic recollections now. 


composed by Fujiwara no Kiyosuke ason


夜もすがら もの思ふころは 明けやらぬ

ねやのひまさへ つれなかりけり

These days, I blame a sweetheart's heartlessness all night long, and am being depressed. 

Furthermore, I regard "the crevice between the doors of the bedroom which does not carry a morning-sunbeam to me easily" to a cruel person. 


composed by Shun e Houshi


嘆けとて 月やはものを 思はする

かこちがほなる わが涙かな

Does the moon say, "Be sad" to me and does the moon make me dispirited? No, that is not right. 

Although my unrequited love is the cause in fact, my tears roll down just like the cause of the moon, without my looking at truth. 


composed by Saigyo Houshi


村雨の 露もまだ干ぬ まきの葉に

霧立ちのぼる 秋の夕暮

Although the shower went past, the dew on the leaves of evergreens does not get dry yet. 

Around there, the dim white fog has already been rising in the sad twilight of autumn. 


composed by Jakuren Houshi


難波江の 蘆のかりねの ひとよゆゑ

身を尽くしてや 恋ひわたるべき

There is a short root of the cut reed in Namba's small bay. 

After the short making love of only a night like the short root, the woman may continue loving the traveler after that. 


composed by Koukamon in no Betto


玉の緒よ 絶えなば絶えね ながらへば

忍ぶることの 弱りもぞする

If it is the fate from which I die immediately, I will accept the fate. 

Because, my long life will weaken the power of hiding this love and the love to you may leak to the world.


composed by The Imperial princess in Shokushi 


見せばやな 雄島の海人の 袖だにも

濡れにぞ濡れし 色は変はらず

Even if the fisherman’s sleeves of Ojima-island in Matsushima becomes all wet, the color of the sleeves will not change. 

Although it was the same as the way of getting wet, my sleeve which became all wet for my tears changed to red with my blood. I want you to see it. 


composed by Inpumon in no Taifu