Izumo-Zenzai 出雲ぜんざい

"Zenzai" is sweet red-bean soup with rice cakes. 

It is Japanese tradition sweets. These sweets were born in Izumo-shi, Shimane. 


When Japanese Gods in ancient days gathered to Izumo, people offered these sweets to Gods. 


When you visit Izumo, it is good to eat Izumo-Zenzai. Then, you will get many good friends. 


Because these sweets have the energy of "matchmaking." 


Adachi museum in a light rain


If you visit the Adachi Museum of Art, you will be good to go on the day of a light rain. 


Probably, in the art museum, you will be looking at the beautiful Japanese garden in a light rain forever. 


You could fully enjoy trees lively there and the white clouds which rise. 


